News has recently been completely redesigned. Please stop back often. I'll be adding new cartoons every week.
What does it cost to license one of your cartoons?
Rates are based on usage and rights licensed. Email me with the details of how you intend to use the cartoon and I'll let you know the cost.
How long will it take for me to receive the cartoon?
Usually I'll email you the cartoon within 24 hours. If you need it sooner let me know and I'll speed things up.
Can you add color?
Yes, for an additional fee.
What's the deal with the watermark?
That's to deter people from stealing my work. The high resolution cartoon you'll receive from me will not have the watermark.
I want to license one of your cartoons but can't find it on your site. Is it available?
Yes. I have many cartoons that are not yet on the website. Just email me the caption and I'll be happy to dig it out of my files.
I like your cartoons but can't find one that's exactly right for my project. Should I fling myself out of my office window?
Probably not. Tell me about your project (the subject matter and how the cartoon will be used) and I'll be happy to create a custom cartoon for you at a reasonable price.
May I use your cartoons for free?
Now I'm going to fling myself out of my office window.